March of the Governors, Governor #5, William Rainey Marshall
Paul Nelson and Tom O'ConnellWilliam Rainey Marshall could be said to occupy a prominent place in Minnesota’s list of founding fathers. He played a leading role in many of the seminal events that shaped the state’s early history. A strong opponent of slavery, he chaired the founding meeting of Minnesota’s Republican…
March of the Governors, Governor #4, Stephen Miller
Paul Nelson, Matt Wright, and Rebekah CoffmanStephen Miller moved to Minnesota in middle age from Pennsylvania, several years after his friend Alexander Ramsey had moved to the state. He immediately involved himself in politics in St. Cloud. With the outbreak of the Civil War, he was named lieutenant colonel of the First Minnesota…
History Revealed: Scandinavian Woman Suffrage
Anna M. PetersonThe Scandinavian Woman Suffrage Association of Minnesota With Anna M. Peterson History Revealed Series Program Date: 06/10/2021 Video on YouTube During the fight for women’s suffrage, Minnesota was home to one of the only ethnic suffrage organizations in the country. The Scandianvian Woman Suffrage…
March of the Governors, Governor #3, Henry Swift
Paul Nelson and Matt WrightHenry Swift came to Minnesota from Ohio as a young man, eventually settling in St. Peter. He was elected to the state senate and saw combat in the US Dakota War of 1862 at the Battles of New Ulm. The next year, because of Lieutenant Governor Ignatius…
March of the Governors, Governor #2, Alexander Ramsey
Paul Nelson and David BlyAlexander Ramsey did not have it easy. He was orphaned at age ten and worked as a store clerk and a carpenter before finding his vocation in politics. He served two terms in Congress from Pennsylvania and for his service to the Whig Party was rewarded, if…
History Revealed: Redefining Citizenship
Sara EggeRedefining Citizenship: The Fight for the Right to Vote in Minnesota and the Midwest Sara Egge History Revealed Series Program Date: March 18, 2021 Video on YouTube In partnership with the Roseville Library and the East Side Freedom Library. Examining how women won…
March of the Governors, Governor #1, Henry Hastings Sibley
Paul Nelson and Ken PetersonHenry Hastings Sibley Podcast Link This is the first in a new series of podcasts. We call it March of the Governors because we will examine the lives and careers of governors of the State of Minnesota, one by one. We start with our first governor, Henry…
History Revealed: Hope In the Struggle
Dr. Josie Johnson & Tish JonesHope In the Struggle A Conversation with Dr. Josie Johnson and Tish Jones History Revealed Series Program Date: February 23, 2021 Video on YouTube In partnership with the East Side Freedom Library and the Roseville Library How did a Black woman from Texas become…
History Revealed: The Persistence Exhibition
Mollie Spillman, Dr. Bobbie Scott and Hannah Boehme, Daniel Brevick, Stephanie Kiihn, Klaire Lockheart, Anika Schneider, Lesley Walton, Sadie Ward, Hilary Woods, Mary YounkinThe Art and History of the Persistence Exhibition Mollie Spillman, Dr. Bobbie Scott and exhibition artists History Revealed Series Program Date: February 18, 2021 Video on YouTube With RCHS Curator Mollie Spilman; and historian and exhibition consultant Dr. Bobbie Scott; artists Hannah Boehme,…