Honoring Minnesota History Scholars


National History Day 2024 Team Minnesota

Sixty-four “Team Minnesota” history scholars competed at National History Day (NHD) at University of Maryland–College Park in June. Over nine months, students in grades six through twelve identified topics related to the theme, “Turning Points in History,” and created detailed research projects for school, state, regional, and national competition.

“Ramsey County Historical Society applauds all students and teachers who participated in the 2024 History Day competitions,” said Chad P. Roberts, CEO and president of RCHS. “As an organization committed to the preservation and presentation of history, we understand the challenges involved in researching and presenting complex community history. We appreciate their efforts to create projects that bring these stories to the world.”

“Team Minnesota” returned home with ten medals, two affiliate awards, and seven honorable mentions.

Minnesota NHD Medal Winners

  • First place senior group performance: “Then They Came for Me: The Separation of the German Church and the Resistance Against the Nazi Regime” by Colten, Dexter, Sawyer, Sedona, and September, Christ’s Household of Faith School, St. Paul;
  • First place junior paper: “The Creation of the Birth Control Pill: A Turning Point for American Women’s Education, Economics, and Role in Society” by Zania, Open World Learning Community, St. Paul;
  • Second place senior individual website: “A Turning Point in Native American Spiritual Rights: The American Indian Religious Freedom Act of 1978” by Margaret, East High School, Duluth;
  • Second place junior individual documentary: “Sunny Days: A Turning Point in Children’s Television” by Maeve, Murray Middle School, St. Paul;
  • Third place junior individual exhibit: “Griswold v. Connecticut: A Turning Point in Privacy Rights” by Scout, Murray Middle School, St. Paul;
  • Third place junior group exhibit: “Click It: Buckle Up America” by Harrison, Miles, and Parker, Sunrise Park Middle School, White Bear Lake;
  • Third place junior individual website: “Life is a Highway: How the Interstate Highway System Transformed Everyday Life in America” by Steven, Olson Middle School, Bloomington;
  • Sixth place/outstanding affiliate entry for junior group documentary: “The Seven Countries Study” by Charlie, Emmett, and Peter, Murray Middle School, St. Paul;
  • Seventh place/outstanding affiliate entry for senior group website: “The Six Who Sat: A Turning Point in Long Distance Running” by Alayna and Renn, Mankato West High School, Mankato;
  • Ninth place junior individual performance: “Ida Tarbell: A Turning Point in Journalism, Politics, Business, and Law” by Grace, Salk STEM Middle School, Elk River.1

The Minnesota Historical Society is an affiliate sponsor of National History Day, and RCHS was proud to support a few county scholars thanks to donations from board and committee members Anne Cowie, Jo Emerson, Timothy Glines, Deborah Lee, Marc J Manderscheid, Richard H. Nicholson, Chad P. Roberts, Ellen M. Turpin, and Helen Wilke.

“We celebrate the work of these students,” Roberts said, “and look forward to supporting the 2025 researchers as they take on the theme, ‘Rights & Responsibilities in History.’ ”