History of Ramsey County Historical Society

Ramsey County Historical Society: Our History
RCHS Celebrates Our 75th Year in 2024
The Society began in 1949 when a group of citizens led by local resident Mrs. Ethel Stewart, moved to acquire and preserve the Heman and Jane Gibbs farm in Falcon Heights. Following five years of restoration work, the Gibbs Farm museum opened its gates in 1954. In 1974, the farm was listed on the National Register of Historic Places.
The Society is a not-for-profit 501(c)3, donor-supported organization that depends on gifts from individuals, foundation and corporations for its support.
Featured images:
Top: Jane DeBow Gibbs in the Gibbs Farmyard in 1885.
Right: Mrs. Ethel Stewart, founder of the Ramsey County Historical Society, in historic costume and with a butter churn in the Gibbs Farmhouse.