Ramsey County History – Spring 1965: “St. Paul’s Stately Old Buildings—Going, Going, Almost Gone”
Georgia Ray DeCosterSt. Paul’s Stately Old Buildings—Going, Going, Almost Gone Author: Georgia Ray DeCoster “American cities are threatened by a steady dilution of historic character and architectural personality. . . . Therefore, it is time to establish once and for all the economic merits of the case for preserving…
Ramsey County History – Fall 1964: “Steamboats and Cable Cars—St. Paul’s Gaslight Era”
George M. BrackSteamboats and Cable Cars—St. Paul’s Gaslight Era Author: George M. Brack A detailed description of some aspects of the city in the second half of the nineteenth century: railroad service and depots, bridges and ferries, public transportation, street lighting, manufacturing, city growth, housing types. PDF of…
Ramsey County History – Spring 1964: “Sod Shanty on the Prairie: Story of a Pioneer Farmer”
William L. CavertSod Shanty on the Prairie: Story of a Pioneer Farmer Author: William L. Cavert A brief recounting of some basic facts about the Gibbs family and their house and farm. Heman and Jane Gibbs came to St. Paul in April 1849 and quickly moved onto the 160 acres in…