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Ramsey County History – Winter 2009: Donors

Ramsey County Historical Society

PDF of RCHS Donors…


Ramsey County History – Fall 2008: “Pith Heart & Nerve, Truman M. Smith: From Banker to Market Gardener”

Barry L. & Joan Miller Cotter

Pith Heart & Nerve, Truman M. Smith: From Banker to Market Gardener Authors: Barry L. & Joan Miller Cotter According to the authors, Truman Smith did not give up in the face of a major economic collapse in 1857; instead he showed resilience and used “pith, heart, and nerve”…

Ramsey County History – Fall 2008: “Growing Up In Saint Paul: Random Recollections of Grace Flandrau”

Horace Blair Flandrau Klein

Growing Up In Saint Paul:  Random Recollections of Grace Flandrau Author: Horace Blair Flandrau Klein This is a memoir written by a nephew of Grace Flandrau, who was called  “Aunt Geese” by most of the youngsters of the family. The author, Horace Blair Flandrau Klein, remembered her as having…

Ramsey County History – Fall 2008: “‘Mr. Livingston … Had the Tenth:’ An Episode in Minnesota Railroad Building”

John M. Lindley

“Mr. Livingston … Had the Tenth:” An Episode in Minnesota Railroad Building  Author: John M. Lindley On October 3, 1883, the Minnesota Supreme Court rendered its decision in the case of James H. Weed et al. vs. Little Falls & Dakota Railroad et al. One of many railroad cases…

Ramsey County History – Fall 2008: “Minnesota at 150: Marking Minnesota’s Sesquicentennial: Four New Books”

Steve Trimble

Minnesota at 150: Marking Minnesota’s Sesquicentennial: Four New Books Author: Steve Trimble An essay on four new books that were published in time to celebrate Minnesota’s sesquicentennial. The books are Creating Minnesota: A History from the Inside Out, written by Annette Atkins; Stephen J. Keillor’s Shaping Minnesota’s Identity: 150 Years…

Ramsey County History – Summer 2008: “Strike for Better Schools: The St. Paul Public Schools Teachers’ Strike of 1946”

Cheryl Carlson

Strike for Better Schools: The St. Paul Public Schools Teachers’ Strike of 1946 Author: Cheryl Carlson The story of the first teachers’ strike in the US carried out by 1,165 St. Paul educators. The background causes included the lack of support for public schools, partly because around a third…

Ramsey County History – Summer 2008: “Our Courage and Cowards: The Controversy Surrounding Macalester College’s Neutrality and Peace Association, 1917”

Emily Skidmore

Our Courage and Cowards: The Controversy Surrounding Macalester College’s Neutrality and Peace Association, 1917 Author: Emily Skidmore When eighty students sent a petition to Woodrow Wilson in support of neutrality from the World War, Macalester College found itself enmeshed in what became a national controversy. The students formed a…

Ramsey County History – Summer 2008: “Growing Up In Saint Paul: Love in Bloom”

John L. Relf

Growing Up In Saint Paul: Love in Bloom Author: John L. Relf This is an excerpt from the author’s book My Story,  published in 2007. John Relf was born in 1927 and first lived on Portland Avenue near Fairview. He graduated from Central High School, entered the army and later…

Ramsey County History – Summer 2008: Book Reviews

Ramsey County Historical Society

Book Reviews Theresa M. Schenck, William W. Warren: The Life, Letters, and Times of an Ojibwe Leader (Lincoln, Neb.: University of Nebraska Press, 2007). John W. Diers and Aaron Isaacs, Twin Cities by Trolley: The Streetcar Era in Minneapolis and St. Paul (Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 2007). Doug Hoverson, Land of Amber Waters: The…
