Ramsey County History – Fall 2014: “Growing Up in St. Paul: The Peripatetic RCHS in the Mid-1970s”
Anne CowieGrowing Up in St. Paul: The Peripatetic RCHS in the Mid-1970s Author: Anne Cowie Returning to Minnesota in early 1974 with a graduate degree in history, Anne Cowie was hired by the Ramsey County Historical Society (RCHS) to do research and writing for a new exhibit the society planned…
Ramsey County History – Fall 2014: “The RCHS Archives and Collections Since 1964”
Mollie SpillmanThe RCHS Archives and Collections Since 1964 Author: Mollie Spillman Collections form the foundation of Ramsey County Historical Society’s (RCHS) history and programs. When RCHS was organized in 1949 by Ethel Hall Stewart and others, it first acquired the Gibbs Farm Museum, which opened in 1954, and began to…
Ramsey County History – Summer 2014: “The Stork Family in St. Paul, 1914–1916”
Rebecca A. MavencampThe Stork Family in St. Paul, 1914–1916 Author: Rebecca A. Mavencamp William E. and Grace C. Stork moved to St. Paul from western Minnesota in 1903 along with their children, Florence C. and Norman Clinton. They built a home in the western part of the city near the Mississippi…
Ramsey County History: Summer 2014: “The History of the Mississippi River Boulevard”
Donald L. EmpsonThe History of the Mississippi River Boulevard Author: Donald L. Empson In 1872, the Saint Paul City Council decided to build public parks in the city, and soon, thereafter, hired landscape architect Horace W. S. Cleveland to prepare a plan for where this should be done. One park that…
Ramsey County History – Winter 2014: “Citizens versus the Freeway: RIP-35E and the Pleasant Avenue Route through St. Paul”
John Watson MiltonCitizens versus the Freeway: RIP-35E and the Pleasant Avenue Route through St. Paul Author: John Watson Milton In September 1955, the National System of Interstate Highways identified the Pleasant Avenue corridor as the route for north-south Interstate 35E through the City of St. Paul, connecting with…
Ramsey County History – Spring 2012: “St. Paul’s Beaux-Arts Libraries: Philanthropic Architecture in a Local Context”
Lauren M. FreeseSt. Paul’s Beaux-Arts Libraries: Philanthropic Architecture in a Local Context Author: Lauren M. Freese In 1917, Saint Paul City Architect Charles Hausler designed three libraries in St. Paul. They are the St. Anthony Park Free Public Library; the Riverview Free Public Library (West Side); and the Arlington Hills Free…
Ramsey County History – Spring 2012: “Who Built the Minnesota Capitol? John Rachač, Master Carpenter”
John SielaffWho Built the Minnesota Capitol? John Rachač, Master Carpenter Author: John Sielaff The Minnesota State Capitol was constructed in St. Paul between 1895 and 1905. Because of the importance of this building to Minnesota history, considerable information exists about the competition to select an architect (the prominent Cass Gilbert…
Ramsey County History – Winter 2012: “From Boom Times to the Great Depression: Two Stolpestad Men in St. Paul Real Estate, 1886–1936”
James A. StolpestadFrom Boom Times to the Great Depression: Two Stolpestad Men in St. Paul Real Estate, 1886–1936 Author: James A. Stolpestad This is a story about a Norwegian immigrant, Andrew H. Stolpestad, to St. Paul in 1884 who went on to make a modest mark for himself in local real estate…
Ramsey County History – Summer 2011: “From Thomery to ‘The Anchorage:’ The Larpenteurs and Their Journey to St. Paul”
Michele MurnaneFrom Thomery to “The Anchorage:” The Larpenteurs and Their Journey to St. Paul Author: Michele Murnane One of the best-known avenues at the north end of St. Paul is Larpenteur, named after the French-American Auguste Louis Larpenteur (1823–1919), who came to St. Paul in the 1840s, enjoyed productive careers…