Ramsey County History Winter 2023: My Harley Grandma
Eleta PierceVolume 57, Number 4: Winter 2023 Growing Up in St. Paul: My Harley Grandma Mary Eileen Kehoe and the St. Paul Motorcycle Escort Club Author: Eleta Pierce When friends introduced Mary Kehoe, fresh out of high school in 1944, to the world of Harley-Davidson motorcycles, it didn’t take…
Ramsey County History – Spring 2022: “Six Decades Making Music and Memories: Minnesota Boychoir”
Barbara W. SommerSix Decades Making Music and Memories: Minnesota Boychoir Author: Barbara W. Sommer Sixty years ago, father and son—Morris M. Nilsen and Morris A. Nilsen—wished to give back to their community, and, so, they founded the Morris Nilsen Boys Choir, featuring the high treble voices of young, male singers. In the first…
Ramsey County History – Spring 2022: Grasshoppers in My Bed: New RCHS Children’s Book Coming in May – Kickoff Event at Gibbs Farm
Ramsey County Historical SocietyGrasshoppers in My Bed New RCHS Children’s Book Coming in May Ramsey County Historical Society is pleased to announce the much-anticipated launch of a new children’s historical fiction book, Grasshoppers in My Bed: Lillie Belle Gibbs—Minnesota Farm Girl—1877 by author Terry Swanson and illustrator Peggy Stern. Written…
Grasshoppers in My Bed: Lillie Belle Gibbs, Minnesota Farm Girl 1877
Terry Swanson, Author and Peggy Stern, IllustratorIt is 1876—Christmas day—which just happens to be the eleventh birthday of Lillie Belle Gibbs. Her mother and father present her with a new journal. Now she must decide how to fill the pages. Grasshoppers in her bed, a smudge pot to keep the mosquitos at bay, the one-room schoolhouse…
Ramsey County History – Winter 2022: “Fifty Years of Friendship Connected in Community Service: The Minneapolis-St. Paul (MN) Chapter of The Links, Incorporated”
Marion Jones KennonFifty Years of Friendship Connected in Community Service: The Minneapolis-St. Paul (MN) Chapter of The Links, Incorporated Author: Marion Jones Kennon In 1972, sixteen women joined in friendship and service to charter the Minneapolis-St. Paul (MN) Chapter of The Links, Incorporated. Today, their chapter is one of 292 across most…
The March of Governors, Governor #6, Horace Austin
Paul Nelson and Ken PetersonThe second of four Minnesota governors from St. Peter, Horace Austin, was the state’s first governor to directly confront the increased power of railroads, the state’s most powerful business force. Noted for being honest and straight forward, Austin succeeded in regulating their rates after being reelected in 1871…
Ramsey County History – Summer 2021: “Growing Up Hmong in the Twin Cities: Gatherings from Before”
Kao Kalia YangGrowing Up Hmong in the Twin Cities: Gatherings from Before Author: Kao Kalia Yang Large and extended family gatherings are a steadfast tradition for members of the Hmong community in the Twin Cities area. St. Paul writer Kao Kalia Yang reflects on these familial celebrations where aunties and…
Ramsey County History – Summer 2019: “One Hundred Years Serving New Americans: The Centennial of the International Institute of Minnesota”
Krista Finstad HansonOne Hundred Years Serving New Americans: The Centennial of the International Institute of Minnesota Author: Krista Finstad Hanson 2020 Co-Winner of the Ramsey County Historical Society Virginia B. Kunz Award As visitors and clients open the doors to the International Institute of Minnesota in St. Paul, they…
Ramsey County History – Spring 2022: “Growing Up in Ramsey County: With a Dash of Foreign Spice”
Kitty GoginsGrowing Up in Ramsey County: With a Dash of Foreign Spice Author: Kitty Gogins 2020 Co-Winner of the Ramsey County Historical Society Virginia B. Kunz Award Kitty Gogins wrote the companion piece to Krista Finstad Hanson’s International Institute of Minnesota history. Gogin’s family, beginning with her refugee parents, Olga and…