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March of the Governors, Governor #1, Henry Hastings Sibley

Paul Nelson and Ken Peterson

Henry Hastings Sibley Podcast Link This is the first in a new series of podcasts. We call it March of the Governors because we will examine the lives and careers of governors of the State of Minnesota, one by one. We start with our first governor, Henry…

History Revealed: Winter Carnival

Kate Roberts

St. Paul’s Winter Carnival: 135 Years of Fun…And Counting! Kate Roberts History Revealed Series Program Date: January 21, 2021 Video on YouTube In partnership with the Roseville Library Kate Roberts, Senior Exhibit Designer from the Minnesota Historical Society, shared some of the history,…

Neighborhood Architecture–Irvine Park, Saint Paul: a coloring book.

Jeanne Kosfeld, Illustrator and Richard Kronick, Author

Twin Cities-based illustrator Jeanne Kosfeld and author Richard Kronick have together transformed a simple sketchbook featuring pen and ink drawings into a brief storytelling of the Irvine Park neighborhood’s unique 173-year history. Artists of all ages and abilities may colorize their own imagined versions of these historic edifices, including fanciful…

History Revealed: Connemara Irish

Jane Kennedy

The Connemara Irish, Despair in the Heartland Jane Kennedy History Revealed Series Program Date: August 27, 2020 YouTube Video When people living in the Connemara region of Western Ireland were offered assistance to escape from the ravages of famine and disease, they knew little…

History Revealed: Recent Archaeology

Jeremy Nienow, Bob Jensen, Barry Madore

Recent Archaeology in Ramsey County Dr. Jeremy Nienow and Bob Jensen, with Barry Madore History Revealed Series Program Date: July 23, 2020 YouTube Video In partnership with the Roseville Library. Archaeologist Jeremy Nienow discussed some of the findings from recent archaeological digs…

The Life of Swede Hollow: a pictorial history

Reviewer: Bob Muschewske

The Life of Swede Hollow: a pictorial history Authors: Angela DuPaul and Karin DuPaul St. Paul, MN: Friends of Swede Hollow 115 pages; soft cover; 217 b&w photos and art; $18 In their 2019 book, The Life of Swede Hollow: a pictorial history, Angela and Karin DuPaul—a daughter and…

Massacre in Minnesota: The Dakota War of 1862, the Most Violent Ethnic Conflict in American History

Reviewer: Mary Lethert Wingerd

Massacre in Minnesota: The Dakota War of 1862, the Most Violent Ethnic Conflict in American History Gary Clayton Anderson Norman, OK: University of Oklahoma Press, 2019 384 pages; hardcover, 42 b&w illustrations, 2 maps, $32.95 Did we really need another book about the Dakota War? My response…

Images of America: Downtown St. Paul

Reviewer: Bob Muschewske

Images of America: Downtown St. Paul Author: Iric Nathanson Mount Pleasant, SC: Arcadia Publishing, 2019 128 pages; soft cover; photos; $22.95 If you are a St. Paul history buff and enjoy viewing historic images, you will want to have a copy of Iric Nathanson’s new book, Downtown St. Paul.

Ramsey County History – Spring 2009: “Minnesota Politics and Irish Identity: Five Sons of Erin at the State Capitol”

John W. Milton

Minnesota Politics and Irish Identity: Five Sons of Erin at the State Capitol Author: John W. Milton The author, a former state senator, researched the five men of Irish extraction who are honored in the State Capitol. The first is “The Senator: Nicholas David Coleman (1925–1981),” a St. Paulite…