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Ramsey County History – Spring 1971: “The Building of Old Fort Ripley and Its Links with St. Paul”

Robert Orr Baker

The Building of Old Fort Ripley and Its Links with St. Paul Author: Robert Orr Baker Fort Ripley was built at the confluence of the Crow Wing and Mississippi Rivers, primarily “to protect the Winnebago Indians who had been placed in the area as a buffer between the warring…

Ramsey County History – Fall 1970: “Smallpox, Malaria—W.R. Brown’s Civil War Diary: The War Within A War”

Virginaia Brainerd Kunz and James O Wall

Smallpox, Malaria—W.R. Brown’s Civil War Diary: The War Within A War Authors: Virginia Brainard Kunz and James O. Wall W. R. Brown enlisted in the Sixth Minnesota Infantry in 1862 at the age of 46. He served mostly in hospitals, in the field, at Fort Snelling, and in Helena,…

Ramsey County History – Fall 1970: “Forgotten Pioneers: Edward Phelan”

Ramsey County Historical Society

Forgotten Pioneers: Edward Phelan Edward Phelan, discharged from the U.S. Army at Fort Snelling in April 1839, became one of St. Paul’s founding settlers. He was a contentious fellow, tried and acquitted of murder, and later indicted for perjury. He fled in 1850 and reportedly “met with a violent death in…

Ramsey County History – Spring 1969: “Fort Snelling—”Hardship” Duty at the Frontier Post and a Training Ground for Generals”

Ramsey County Historical Society

Fort Snelling—”Hardship” Duty at the Frontier Post and a Training Ground for Generals Pen portraits of some of the notable officers who served at Fort Snelling between 1820 and the early 1860s, including Zachary Taylor, Bernard Bee, Simon Bolivar Buckner, Winfield Scott Hancock, and John Pemberton.

Ramsey County History – Spring 1969: “Orders, Letters, Lists of Possessions: Colonel Snelling’s Journals”

Virginia Brainard Kunz

Orders, Letters, Lists of Possessions: Colonel Snelling’s Journals Author: Virginia Brainard Kunz A recounting of life and the historical significance of Fort Snelling. The excerpts, joined by explanatory text, touch on death by disease, military discipline, relations with Native Americans, planned participation in a duel, Snelling’s transfer…

Ramsey County History – Spring 1969: “Forgotten Pioneers: Dr. John H. Murphy”

Ramsey County Historical Society

Forgotten Pioneers: Dr. John H. Murphy Dr. John Henry Murphy (1826–1894) was “virtually the first formally trained doctor to settle in what is now the Twin Cities.” He and wife, Adelaide, the daughter of Ramsey County pioneer Benjamin Hoyt, settled in St. Anthony in 1849. He served in the…

Ramsey County History – Fall 1968: “Bernheimer Block Is Gone But Memories Linger On”

Ramsey County Historical Society

Bernheimer Block Is Gone But Memories Linger On The Bernheimer Block, on East Third Street (now Kellogg Boulevard) at the corner with Minnesota, was built in 1859. It was the site of many noteworthy events: the first Civil War enlistments; the first velocipede demonstrations; one of the first…

Ramsey County History – Fall 1967: “Marshall Sherman and the Civil War: St. Paul’s First Medal of Honor Winner”

Anne Cowie

Marshall Sherman and the Civil War: St. Paul’s First Medal of Honor Winner Author: Anne Cowie In April 1861, Marshall Sherman, age thirty-seven, a St. Paul housepainter, became one of the first to enlist in the Union Army. He fought at Bull Run, Ball’s Bluff, The Seven…

Ramsey County History – Spring 1967: “Forgotten Pioneers: Rose Township”

Ramsey County Historical Society

Forgotten Pioneers: Rose Township Roseville takes its name from Minnesota pioneer Isaac Rose, but he never lived there. A soldier and farmer, Rose came to St. Paul in 1843 and farmed mostly in what became the Merriam Park neighborhood. He once owned the land now occupied by Macalester…