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Honoring Minnesota History Scholars

National History Day 2024 Team Minnesota Sixty-four “Team Minnesota” history scholars competed at National History Day (NHD) at University of Maryland–College Park in June. Over nine months, students in grades six through twelve identified topics related to the theme, “Turning Points in History,” and created detailed research…

March of the Governors: Jesse Ventura

Paul Nelson, Matt Wright, and Ken Peterson

To call our thirty-eighth governor, Jesse Ventura, unique is to engage in understatement. He was Minnesota’s first third-party governor since Elmer Benson in 1936. Though he ran on the Reform Party ticket, that party elected no one else, so he had no allies in the legislature. His plurality, 37% of…

F. Scott Fitzgerald: A Composite Biography

Reviewed by Mark Taylor

F. Scott Fitzgerald: A Composite Biography Niklas Salmose and David Rennie, editors Minneapolis, MN: University of Minnesota Press, 2024 448 pages; cloth/jacket, 78 b&w photos, $29.95   Author F. Scott Fitzgerald’s masterpiece The Great Gatsby is still selling 500,000 copies a year,…

Twin Cities Snapshots: History Through the Lens of the St. Paul Pioneer Press

Reviewed by Steve Trimble

Twin Cities Snapshots: History Through the Lens of the St. Paul Pioneer Press St. Paul Pioneer Press, with Nick Woltman and Molly Ballis Vancouver, WA: Pediment Publishing, 2023 160 pages; hardcover, 250 b&w and color illustrations, $39.95 In April 2024, St. Paul’s Pioneer Press marked its…

March of the Governors: Arne Carlson

Paul Nelson and Tom Beer

Arne Carlson, Minnesota’s thirty-seventh governor, was a Swede and a progressive Republican, like several before him, but unlike them, too. He grew up poor in New York City and had no connection to the dominant Harold Stassen political lineage. Carlson came to Minnesota for graduate school—then won election after election:…

Ramsey County History Spring 2024

Paul Nelson, Drew Ross, Wendy Rossi, Meredith Cummings

Volume 59, Number 2: Spring 2024 Link to download PDF of full Ramsey County History Spring 2024 Articles in this issue: The Fraud of the Century Author: Paul Nelson According to author Paul Nelson, “The human desire for wealth without risk and the capacity for self-delusion make an…

The Fraud of the Century

Paul Nelson

St. Paulite Clarence Cochran was convicted of fraud and reported to Leavenworth in 1930. Mugshot courtesy of National Archives of Kansas City, Record Group 129, Records of the Bureau of Prisons, Leavenworth Penitentiary, Inmate Case Files (1895-1952), National Archives Identifier 571125. By Paul Nelson To see this complete magazine…

Decisions, Destiny, and Dreams: Plympton’s Reserve, St. Paul’s Founding, and Desnoyer’s New Bridge Square

Drew M. Ross

The Desnoyer Halfway House located on the St. Anthony Falls-St. Paul Road attracted soldiers from Fort Snelling, residents from growing villages along the Mississippi, and tourists traveling to the area to glimpse the cascading St. Anthony Falls. Courtesy of Minnesota Historical Society. By Drew M. Ross To see this…

Stephen Desnoyer’s Halfway House

Drew M. Ross

By Drew M. Ross Stephen Desnoyer is said to be the first permanent resident in Rose Township. He built a tavern on the thoroughfare of the St. Anthony/St. Paul Road which ran roughly along the route of today’s Interstate 94. The establishment was situated just west of what would become…