Ramsey County History Winter 2024: Community in Hamline Midway Neighborhood
Krista Finstad HansonVolume 59, Number 1: Winter 2024 It Takes a Village: Building Community in the Hamline Midway Neighborhood Author: Krista Finstad Hanson What happens when a historian/writer becomes a homeowner? When Krista Finstad Hanson and her husband purchased a bungalow on Englewood Avenue in 1997, she couldn’t help herself. She…
History Revealed: Heart of the Heartland
David MaukThe Heart of the Heartland: Norwegian American Community in the Twin Cities David C. Mauk History Revealed Special Event Program Date: Thursday, February 15, 2024 Video on YouTube In partnership with the East Side Freedom Library, Ramsey County…
March of the Governors: Wendell Anderson
Ken Peterson and Paul NelsonMarch of the Governors, Governor #33 Wendell Anderson (Series Podcast #36) Before an ignominious electoral end, Wendell “Wendy” Anderson was one of Minnesota’s most significant and popular governors. Born and raised on St. Paul’s East Side, he had been an Olympic hockey…
Prairie Imperialists: The Indian Country Origins of American Empire
Reviewed by Renoir GaitherPrairie Imperialists: The Indian Country Origins of American Empire Katharine Bjork Philadelphia, PA: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2019 352 pages; hard cover, 13 b&w photos, 5 maps, $64.95 Hamline University professor Katharine Bjork’s book, Prairie Imperialists: The Indian Country Origins of…
The Heart of the Heartland: Norwegian American Community in the Twin Cities
Reviewed by Mary Lethert WingerdThe Heart of the Heartland: Norwegian American Community in the Twin Cities David C. Mauk St. Paul, MN: Minnesota Historical Society Press, 2022 472 pages; paperback, B&W illustrations, 7 maps, $29.95 As the title of this volume suggests, the Twin…
History Revealed: Indian Wars Everywhere
Stefan AuneIndian Wars Everywhere Stefan Aune, PhD, Visiting Assistant Professor of American Studies, Williams College History Revealed Series Program Date: Thursday, January 18, 2024 Video on YouTube In partnership with the East Side Freedom Library & Roseville…
March of the Governors: Harold Levander
Paul Nelson, Matt WrightMarch of the Governors, Governor #32 Harold Levander (Series Podcast #35) Harold Levander (1910-1982) ran for political office once in his long life, in 1966. He defeated incumbent governor Karl Rolvaag, served four years, and never ran for office again. He had been…
March of the Governors: Karl Fritjof Rolvaag
Tom Beer, Paul NelsonMarch of the Governors, Governor #31 Karl Fritjof Rolvaag (Series Podcast #34) Karl Fritjof Rolvaag (1913-1990) grew up in Northfield, the son of acclaimed novelist Ole Rolvaag. Upon his father’s untimely death in 1931, Rolvaag roamed the West for five years, working…
History Revealed: Defying the Silence
Julie AyerDefying the Silence: A Chronicle of Resilience that Saved the World-Renowned Minnesota Orchestra Julie Ayer History Revealed Series Program Date: Thursday, November 30, 2023 Video on YouTube In partnership with the East Side Freedom Library & Roseville Library In this extraordinary example…