Archival Collections
St. Paul Garden Club Collection
1927-2015 [2014.19]Material includes newsletters, directories, histories, minutes, correspondence, reports, scrapbooks, photographs, and banners documenting the activities of the St. Paul Garden Club.
6 boxes.
St. Paul Hiking Club
1941-2021 [2008.34 and 2022.31]This collection contains original newsletters, roster ledger and annual awards program. The rest of the material has been typed on letter size paper or has been photocopied to letter size paper. These materials include: constitutions and bylaws, annual award programs, certificates, newsletters and rosters of the club. Minutes only exist between 1957-1960, while four folders contain brief histories of the club. Newspaper articles, and a diary of a February 1997 trip to Carlsbad Caverns and Mexico also are included.
St. Paul Jaycees Collection
1929-2015Material consists of Saint Paul Junior Association of Commerce board minutes, correspondence and notes, newspaper clippings, budgets and financial reports, annual reports, membership directories, legal case documents, scrapbooks, photos, program information/materials and reports, plus: the corporate seal, anniversary cup, gavel, commemorative pins and watches, and a banner.
11 boxes.
St. Paul Medical Journal Collection
1899-1917Journals were edited and published by the Ramsey County Medical Society (St. Paul). They are consistently softcover, 80 pages in length with medical articles, 15 pages in length with classified advertisements for equipment, supplies and medical professionals, sometimes listing hospital faculty, with table of contents on rear cover.
4 boxes.
St. Paul Mother’s Pension Ledger Collection
1913-1938 [2010.23]Material consists of 6 leather-bound ledgers that contain data on St. Paul Mothers Pension Payments including names, dates, and residential addresses. The original intention of St. Paul Mother’s Pensions was to provide a universal subsidy to mothers with dependent children without an adult male income in the household.
1 box.
St. Paul Park Reports and History Collection
1888-2016 [2015.8]Widely scattered annual reports of the Board of Park Commissioners and Parks and Recreation Department. Also includes drafts of a history of the park department by W. Lamont Kaufman.
1 box.
St. Paul Sports Scrapbook
1891-1939 [2013.54]This collection of scrapbooked, newspaper clippings focuses on the St. Paul Saints and other St. Paul college teams (Hamline University, Carleton College, Concordia High School (now University)) with images of players and short biographies. Game descriptions of St. Paul Saints games and other leagues with game scores from teams and leagues across the United States and Canada are included, along with articles about boxers and the Boxing World Championship of 1901, the University of Minnesota football team’s 1901 season recap with one game recap against the Haskell Indian School, a recap of the 1901 college football season mainly focusing on the Western teams, and scores and game recaps from the 1913 Saint Paul City Baseball League.
St. Paul Winter Carnival Association Financial Ledger Collection
1937-1959 [1998.8]Material consists of fifteen business ledgers and includes auto show logs and general donations.
15 ledgers.
Stickney (A.B.) Collection
1876-1909 [1994.10]Material consists of lectures that Stickney gave. The topics are mainly railroad related.
1 box.
Stiefel ((Mrs.) Ernie J.) Scrapbook Collection
1919-1929Material consists of a scrapbook Mrs. Stiefel made related to St. Paul society and events.
1 box.