Archival Collections
St. Anthony Park Block Nurse Program Collection
1997-presentMaterial consists of minutes, correspondence and notes, newspaper clippings, budgets and financial reports, position papers, photos, program information/materials and reports, plan and grant proposals/applications, annual reports, and volunteer lists.
7 boxes.
St. Anthony Park Wednesday Study Club Collection
1937-present [2011.27]Material consists of minute books (handwritten and typed). Annual programs and directories, correspondence (between members and libraries), and photographs of group members are included. Typed summaries of reviewed books, member rosters, and the history and organization of the club are also included.
1 box.
St. Francis Hotel Collection
1913-1995 [2001.10]Material consists of several (mainly black/white) photographs. A few pieces of typewritten correspondence relate to the interior decoration of the hotel.
1 box.
St. Joseph’s Hospital Collection
1853-2022 [2022.99]This collection details the history and growth of St. Joseph’s Hospital and the Sisters of Carondelet, the group who began the hospital in 1853. Early materials document important medical milestones and figureheads within the hospital, and later materials cover the lead up and aftermath of the 1986 HealthEast hospital merger. Collection also contains materials from other St. Paul hospitals involved in this merger such as Bethesda Hospital, St. John’s Hospital, and Divine Redeemer Memorial Hospital.
St. Paul Art Collective Collection
1977-2024 [2022.55]This collection includes materials pertinent to the Saint Paul Art Collective between the years c.1977 and 2024, representing the history of the Saint Paul Art Collective from conception to present. Areas of focus include: The Lowertown artists’ housing project, converting multiple historic warehouses into affordable living/studio spaces; The Wall Street Gallery, a Lowertown locus for Saint Paul Art Collective exhibitions and events; community involvement, support, and collaboration with local and locally-based businesses, municipal departments, and nonprofits to promote the arts; publications to promote the arts, ex: VINYL Magazine, New North Artscape, the Minnesota Arts Directory, and Artpaper; The Saint Paul Art Crawl, which originated as open-studio tours and became a city-wide festival of the arts; and documents recording financial information, meeting minutes, internal and external correspondence, and general operations.
St. Paul Building Permit Collection
1883-1975 [2003.5]Collection consists of two parts: index cards for building permits organized alphabetically by street address and building permits organized chronologically by permit number. Permits for Elevators (1914-1979), Signs/Billboards (1903-1919), Concrete, Masonry, and Finish Cement Work (1941-1951) are also included.
190 boxes.
St. Paul Business License Application Collection
1920-2005 [2008.1]Material consists of typed index cards and business license applications arranged alphabetically in street address order. The cards reference every business license by address, including the name of the licensee, the type of license, the license number, and the date of the license. The applications themselves are foldered by address, many times with multiple applications at a particular address.
39 boxes.
St. Paul City Council Proceedings Collection
1856-1871 [2017.20]Published proceedings of the St. Paul City Council, 1856-1871 (1869 is missing).
1 box.
St. Paul City Directory Card Index Collection
1840-1920Material consists of reference notes pertaining to residents of the Historic Hill, Irvine Park, and Dayton’s Bluff areas, extracted from the St. Paul City Directories, which trace individual residents, their occupations, and addresses.
4 boxes.
St. Paul Financial Ledger Collection
1861-1917Material consists of five ledgers (1861-1970, 1893–1905, 1903-1908, 1903-1912, 1903-1917) of general expenses related to sundries, merchandise, school districts, shoe department, banks, and real estate.
5 ledgers.