Ramsey County History Fall 2023 – Dakhota Iápi: A Brief History in Three Parts

Ramsey County History Fall 2023 – Dakhota Iápi: A Brief History in Three Parts
Deacon DeBoer, Eileen Bass, Justis Brokenrope, Ava Grace, Dr. Rev. Clifford Canku, Heather Menefee, and Šišókadúta
Volume 58, Number 3: Fall 2023
Link to download full issue of Fall 2023 Ramsey County History magazine

Dakhóta Iápi: A Brief History in Three Parts

This year, Dakhóta language scholars from the University of Minnesota, with their instructor Šišókaduta (Joe Bendickson), have worked with Ramsey County Historical Society to write a brief history of Dakhóta iápi (language) in three parts. The piece begins with an early history of the language following settler coloni­zation and extending through the boarding school era. It continues with a collaborative segment highlighting current language initia­tives and the positive effects these have for both the Dakhóta and non-Indigenous communities in establishing themselves in Minnesota history. The article culminates with words of encourage­ment to Dakhóta language teachers and second-language learners from Dr. Rev. Clifford Canku, one of the few remaining first-language Dakhóta speakers and a holder of traditional knowledge.

Part One
We Speak Dakhóta: Dakhóta Uŋkíapi

PDF of D. DeBoer article

Author: Deacon DeBoer
Additional Resources:

Part Two
Dakhóta Iápi Today
Authors: Eileen Bass, Justis Brokenrope, and Ava Grace, with Deacon DeBoer
PDF of Bass, Brokenrope, Ava Grace & DeBoer article


Part Three
To Those Who Want to Know the Dakhóta Language: Tóna Dakhóta Iápi Uŋspépi Čhíŋpi Kiŋ
Authors: Dr. Rev. Clifford Canku
Šišókaduta (Joe Bendickson), Translation
Heather Menefee, Transcription, Research, and Introduction
PDF of Canku, Šišókaduta & Menefee article

Additional Resources:
Download Dakhóta Language Histories PDF

Sound file of Dr. Rev. Clifford Canku:


Deacon DeBoer, Eileen Bass, Justis Brokenrope, Ava Grace, Dr. Rev. Clifford Canku, Heather Menefee, and Šišókadúta