Ramsey County History Fall 2023 – Dakhóta Iápi: A Brief History in Three Parts – 2024 Virginia B. Kunz Award Winner

Ramsey County History Fall 2023 – Dakhóta Iápi: A Brief History in Three Parts – 2024 Virginia B. Kunz Award Winner
Deacon DeBoer, Eileen Bass, Justis Brokenrope, Ava Grace, Dr. Rev. Clifford Canku, Heather Menefee, and Šišókadúta
Volume 58, Number 3: Fall 2023
Link to download full issue of Fall 2023 Ramsey County History magazine

Dakhóta Iápi: A Brief History in Three Parts

2024 Virginia B. Kunz Award Winner

This year, Dakhóta language scholars from the University of Minnesota, with their instructor Šišókaduta (Joe Bendickson), have worked with Ramsey County Historical Society to write a brief history of Dakhóta iápi (language) in three parts. The piece begins with an early history of the language following settler coloni­zation and extending through the boarding school era. It continues with a collaborative segment highlighting current language initia­tives and the positive effects these have for both the Dakhóta and non-Indigenous communities in establishing themselves in Minnesota history. The article culminates with words of encourage­ment to Dakhóta language teachers and second-language learners from Dr. Rev. Clifford Canku, one of the few remaining first-language Dakhóta speakers and a holder of traditional knowledge.

Part One
We Speak Dakhóta: Dakhóta Uŋkíapi

PDF of D. DeBoer article

Author: Deacon DeBoer
Additional Resources:

Part Two
Dakhóta Iápi Today
Authors: Eileen Bass, Justis Brokenrope, and Ava Grace, with Deacon DeBoer
PDF of Bass, Brokenrope, Ava Grace & DeBoer article


Part Three
To Those Who Want to Know the Dakhóta Language: Tóna Dakhóta Iápi Uŋspépi Čhíŋpi Kiŋ
Authors: Dr. Rev. Clifford Canku
Šišókaduta (Joe Bendickson), Translation
Heather Menefee, Transcription, Research, and Introduction
PDF of Canku, Šišókaduta & Menefee article

Additional Resources:
Download Dakhóta Language Histories PDF

Sound file of Dr. Rev. Clifford Canku:


Deacon DeBoer, Eileen Bass, Justis Brokenrope, Ava Grace, Dr. Rev. Clifford Canku, Heather Menefee, and Šišókadúta