Ramsey County History Fall 2023 – Full Issue

Ramsey County History Fall 2023 – Full Issue
Daniel W. McGuiness, Maggie Lorenz, Deacon DeBoer, Eileen Bass, Justis Brokenrope, Ava Grace, Dr. Rev. Clifford Canku, Heather Menefee, Šišókadúta
Volume 58, Number 3: Fall 2023
Link to download full issue of Fall 2023 Ramsey County History magazine

Articles in this Issue:

A Sacred Dakhóta Site Inspires Community Renewal: From Lower Phalen Creek Project to Wakaŋ Tipi Awaŋyaŋkapi
Authors: Daniel W. McGuiness, with Maggie Lorenz
Link to article PDF

Dakhóta Iápi: A Brief History in Three Parts

2024 Virginia B. Kunz Award Winning Article

Part One
We Speak Dakhóta: Dakhóta Uŋkíapi
Author: Deacon DeBoer
Additional Resources:

Link to article PDF

Part Two
Dakhóta Iápi Today
Authors: Eileen Bass, Justis Brokenrope, and Ava Grace, with Deacon DeBoer

Link to article PDF

Part Three
To Those Who Want to Know the Dakhóta Language: Tóna Dakhóta Iápi Uŋspépi Čhíŋpi Kiŋ
Author: Dr. Rev. Clifford Canku
Šišókadúta (Joe Bendickson), Translation
Heather Menefee, Transcription, Research, and Introduction
Link to article PDF

Additional Resources: Download Dakhóta Language Histories PDF 
Sound file of Dr. Rev. Clifford Canku:


Imagining a Future that Doubles Our Impact: Campaign to Transform Gibbs Farm
Chad P. Roberts
Link to article page