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History Revealed: Jean Follett

Melissa Rachleff Burtt

A Little-Known Story: Jean Follett, Women Artists, and the St. Paul School of Art With Melissa Rachleff Burtt History Revealed Series Program Date: December 14, 2021 YouTube Video Jean Follett grew up on the East Side of St. Paul, served in the U.S. military…

History Revealed: The Spirit Tree: Hazel Belvo

Julie L'Enfant

The Spirit Tree: Hazel Belvo and the Art of Nature With Julie L’Enfant History Revealed Series Program Date: Thursday, November 18, 2021 Video on YouTube In partnership with the Roseville Library & the East Side Freedom Library Hazel Belvo has been…

Ramsey County History – Fall 2021: “Closing the Book: The James Jerome Hill Reference Library, 1921-2021”

Eileen McCormack

Closing the Book: The James Jerome Hill Reference Library, 1921-2021 Author: Eileen McCormack James J. Hill, was a creator of businesses, railroads, banks, trusts, and mansions. In 1912, he set to work on one more creation—a gift to the people of St. Paul. Hill died in 1916 before his dream—the James…

Ramsey County History – Summer 2021: “The Aesthetics of Bridge Design: A Paean to Two of St. Paul’s Elegant Park Bridges” – 2024 David Stanley Gebhard Award from the Minnesota Chapter of the Society of Architectural Historians

Christine Podas-Larson

The Aesthetics of Bridge Design: A Paean to Two of St. Paul’s Elegant Park Bridges Author: Christine Podas-Larson 2024 David Stanley Gebhard Award from the Minnesota Chapter of the Society of Architectural Historians (Magazine Article Winner) It is said that bridges have the power to define the character…

History Revealed: The Persistence Exhibition

Mollie Spillman, Dr. Bobbie Scott and Hannah Boehme, Daniel Brevick, Stephanie Kiihn, Klaire Lockheart, Anika Schneider, Lesley Walton, Sadie Ward, Hilary Woods, Mary Younkin

The Art and History of the Persistence Exhibition Mollie Spillman, Dr. Bobbie Scott and exhibition artists History Revealed Series Program Date: February 18, 2021 Video on YouTube With RCHS Curator Mollie Spilman; and historian and exhibition consultant Dr. Bobbie Scott; artists Hannah Boehme,…

Ramsey County History – Winter 2021: “We Represent:  Evolving Public Art at the Saint Paul City Hall – Ramsey County Courthouse”

Kristina Youso

We Represent:  Evolving Public Art at the Saint Paul City Hall – Ramsey County Courthouse Author: Kristina Youso On August 19, 2020, the public got its first look at four new 16’ x 5’ murals now on display in the council chambers of the Saint Paul City…

Neighborhood Architecture–Irvine Park, Saint Paul: a coloring book.

Jeanne Kosfeld, Illustrator and Richard Kronick, Author

Twin Cities-based illustrator Jeanne Kosfeld and author Richard Kronick have together transformed a simple sketchbook featuring pen and ink drawings into a brief storytelling of the Irvine Park neighborhood’s unique 173-year history. Artists of all ages and abilities may colorize their own imagined versions of these historic edifices, including fanciful…

Ramsey County History – Fall 2020: “Born in Ukraine: Sculptor Antin Pavlos”

Janice Quick

Born in Ukraine: Sculptor Antin Pavlos Author: Janice Quick Sculptor Antin Pavlos was one of many Ukrainians who came to St. Paul following World War II to escape the looming threat of Communism. He took a job with St. Paul Statuary upon his arrival in the late…

Persistence Exhibition Celebration

Ramsey County Historical Society

Virtual Celebration of the Persistence: Continuing the Struggle for Suffrage and Equality, 1848-2020 Exhibition Program Date: October 8, 2020 YouTube Video Celebration with the artists and historians that contributed to the exhibition. Visit exhibition-persistence.rchs.com to view the exhibition in full.