March of the Governors: The Farmer-Labor Party
Paul Nelson with Fred Johnson, Tom O'Connell, Tyler Norris Taylor.March of the Governors The Farmer-Labor Party March of the Governors Podcast #26 Minnesota’s Farmer-Labor Party was the most successful third party in American history. Between 1930 and 1938, the party far outpaced both traditional parties in vote-getting,…
History Revealed: Scandinavian Woman Suffrage
Anna M. PetersonThe Scandinavian Woman Suffrage Association of Minnesota With Anna M. Peterson History Revealed Series Program Date: 06/10/2021 Video on YouTube During the fight for women’s suffrage, Minnesota was home to one of the only ethnic suffrage organizations in the country. The Scandianvian Woman Suffrage…
History Revealed: Redefining Citizenship
Sara EggeRedefining Citizenship: The Fight for the Right to Vote in Minnesota and the Midwest Sara Egge History Revealed Series Program Date: March 18, 2021 Video on YouTube In partnership with the Roseville Library and the East Side Freedom Library. Examining how women won…
History Revealed: The Persistence Exhibition
Mollie Spillman, Dr. Bobbie Scott and Hannah Boehme, Daniel Brevick, Stephanie Kiihn, Klaire Lockheart, Anika Schneider, Lesley Walton, Sadie Ward, Hilary Woods, Mary YounkinThe Art and History of the Persistence Exhibition Mollie Spillman, Dr. Bobbie Scott and exhibition artists History Revealed Series Program Date: February 18, 2021 Video on YouTube With RCHS Curator Mollie Spilman; and historian and exhibition consultant Dr. Bobbie Scott; artists Hannah Boehme,…
History Revealed: Turnout
Joan Growe and Lori SturdevantTurnout: Making Minnesota the State That Votes Joan Growe and Lori Sturdevant History Revealed Series Program Date: December 3, 2020 Video on YouTube In “Turnout,” the architect and chief promoter of Minnesota’s high voter turnout tells her story, showing how hard work and cooperation…
History Revealed: Suffrage in Minnesota
Kate RobertsHistory Revealed: Women’s Suffrage in Minnesota Kate Roberts History Revealed Series Program Date: October 22, 2020 YouTube Video In partnership with the Roseville Library The passage of the 19th Amendment in 1920 expanded voting rights for women and opened up an entire new…
Persistence Exhibition Celebration
Ramsey County Historical SocietyVirtual Celebration of the Persistence: Continuing the Struggle for Suffrage and Equality, 1848-2020 Exhibition Program Date: October 8, 2020 YouTube Video Celebration with the artists and historians that contributed to the exhibition. Visit to view the exhibition in full.