Ramsey County History – Winter 2005: “Union Park in the 1880s—Band Concerts, Balloon Ascensions Once Lured 10,000 People in a Single Day”
Minnesota Junior PioneersUnion Park in the 1880s—Band Concerts, Balloon Ascensions Once Lured 10,000 People in a Single Day Author: Minnesota Junior Pioneers In 1880, the Milwaukee Short Line Railroad opened up development in today’s Macalester, Groveland, and Merriam Park neighborhoods, then on the outskirts of St. Paul. Union Park, as it…
Ramsey County History – Winter 2001: “Growing Up In St Paul: A Child With An ‘Eye Problem’ and Memories of the Vision Classes in the St. Paul Schools”
John LarsonGrowing Up In St Paul: A Child With An ‘Eye Problem’ and Memories of the Vision Classes in the St. Paul Schools Author: John Larson The author’s memories of growing up in the Merriam Park and North End neighborhoods in the late 1920s and the ‘30s touch upon treatments for…
Ramsey County History – Fall 1971: “Merriam’s Vision: Rural Village Between Cities”
John S. SonnemMerriam’s Vision: Rural Village Between Cities Author: John S. Sonnen The Merriam Park neighborhood was the creation of Colonel John L. Merriam, father of Governor William R. Merriam. He imagined a rural village halfway between Minneapolis and St. Paul. Merriam platted the development and placed both the park and…