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Ramsey County History – Summer 2004: Book Reviews

Ramsey County Historical Society

Book Reviews Jennifer A. Delton, Making Minnesota Liberal: Civil Rights and the Transformation of the Democratic Party (Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 2002). Biloine W. Young and Melvin L. Fowler, Cahokia: The Great Native American Metropolis (Urbana, Ill.: University of Illinois Press, 2000). PDF of Book Reviews…


Ramsey County History – Summer 2004: Letters to the Editor

Ramsey County Historical Society

PDF of Letters to the Editor…


Ramsey County History – Spring 2004: “‘High and Dry on a Sandstone Cliff:’ St. Paul and the Year of the Chicago and Rock Island’s Great Railroad Excursion”

Steve Trimble

‘High and Dry on a Sandstone Cliff:’ St. Paul and the Year of the Chicago and Rock Island’s Great Railroad Excursion Author: Steve Trimble This article examines what St. Paul looked like in 1854 when the Great Railroad Excursion came to the city. St. Paul was part of the…

Ramsey County History – Spring 2004: “Irvine Park in 1854: Its Homes and the People Who Lived There 150 Years Ago”

Robert J. Stumm

Irvine Park in 1854: Its Homes and the People Who Lived There 150 Years Ago Author: Robert J. Stumm There are an impressive number of homes in Irvine Park today that were already there in 1854. The neighborhood dates from 1849 when the land for a park was donated.

Ramsey County History – Spring 2004: “A Quilt and a Diary: The Story of the Little Girl Who Rode the Orphan Train to a New Home”

Ann Zemke

A Quilt and a Diary: The Story of the Little Girl Who Rode the Orphan Train to a New Home Author: Ann Zemke The author made a quilt that is used to tell the story of her grandmother, Margaret Peterson, who was an orphan. From 1854 to 1929, thousands…

Ramsey County History – Spring 2004: “Growing Up in St. Paul: Mechanic Arts—An Imposing ‘Melting Pot’ High School that Drew Minorities Together”

Bernice Fischer

Growing Up in St. Paul: Mechanic Arts—An Imposing ‘Melting Pot’ High School that Drew Minorities Together Author: Bernice Fischer After seven years at St. Adalbert’s School, in classes of thirty consisting of all white Catholic children, the author entered Mechanic Arts High School with its four floors, many nationalities,…

Ramsey County History – Spring 2004: Book Reviews

Ramsey County Historical Society

Book Reviews Stephen J. Keillor, Grand Excursion: Antebellum America Discovers the Upper Mississippi (Afton, Minn.: Afton Historical Society Press, 2004). John D. Besler, Legacy of Violence: Lynch Mobs and Executions in Minnesota (Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 2003). PDF of Book Reviews…


Ramsey County History – Spring 2004: Letters to the Editor

Ramsey County Historical Society

PDF of Letters to the Editor…


Ramsey County History – Winter 2004: “‘He Loved a Tall Story’ The Life and Times of I.A. O’Shaughnessy, the Man Who Happily Gave His Money Away”

John M. Lindley and Virginia Brainard Kunz

‘He Loved a Tall Story’ The Life and Times of I.A. O’Shaughnessy, the Man Who Happily Gave His Money Away  Authors: John M. Lindley and Virginia Brainard Kunz Born in 1885, Ignatius Aloysius O’Shaughnessy was an oilman and philanthropist. His parents, who were of Irish decent, moved to Minnesota…