Archival Collections

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Bachman Collection

1935-1954 [1995.15.1]

Material consists of musical programs for Johnson High School Alumni Chorus and the St. Paul Civic Opera Association, and Johnson High School Alumni Chorus attendance records.

1 box.

Baker (John and Elizabeth) Collection

1951 [2004.3.1]

Handwritten correspondence to John from Elizabeth, his wife, during his time at a tuberculosis clinic in Nopeming, Minnesota, September to October 1951.

1 box.

Bergeson (Raymond) Collection

1926-2015 [2021.33]

Material consists of autobiographical and biographical materials, awards and certificates, original FCC Radio Telephone Operation Licenses, company correspondence and technical drawings, seven original United States patents, contextual information pertaining to the Lunar Excursion Module, and Servometric news coverage.

1 box.


Bhutanese Oral History Project Collection

2014 [2014.45]

This collection of seven (7) oral history interview transcripts was created as part of the 2014 Bhutanese Oral History Project Phase 2.  Interviewees include: Devika Adhikari, Dhan Adhikari, Tika Biswa, Gaura Devi Dhakal, Pabitra Dhakal, Deo Gurung, Dhan Maya Pyakurel, and Phul Maya Tamang.  A brief biography of each person is included and the entire set of transcripts is indexed.  Interviews were conducted in English and Nepali.  Richa Sharma conducted the interviews with Samar Upadhyay acting as translator on six of the interviews and Arjun Pradhan as translator on one interview (Dhan Maya Pyakurel).

This project has been financed in part with funds provided by the State of Minnesota from the Arts and Cultural Heritage Fund through the Minnesota Historical Society.

Bleier (Harold B.) Scrapbook Collection


Material includes newspaper clippings, programs, and other paper documents and photographs documenting Dr. Bleier’s sporting and civic activities. He was a well-known and recognized golfer, dentist, and member of the Osman Temple.

2 boxes.

Boss (Wallace) Collection

1926-1961 [1996.3.1]

Material includes Winter Carnival materials of Wallace Boss as King Boreas: scrapbooks, correspondence, programs, magazines, and certificates.

2 boxes.

Buckbee Mears McGill Warner Company Collection

1910-1980 [2021.37]

Material consists of company records and history, news coverage, and photographs.

1 box.

Capital City Trolley, Inc. Collection

1988-2002 [2013.78.1]

Correspondence, annual reports, and minutes concerning the Capital City Trolley that ran a route in downtown St. Paul during the 1990s.

1 box.

Catholic Daughters of America Collection

1932-1992 [1995.13.1]

Material includes newspaper clippings, programs and other paper documents and photographs documenting the organization, including booklets, reports, handbooks, treasurer’s records, mortuary fund certificates, meeting minutes, and newsletters referring to organization etiquette and rules.

2 boxes.


Charboneau (Elaine) Winter Carnival Collection


Material includes typed appearance schedules, on which she has made handwritten comments about some of the events; newspaper clippings of her time in the Senior Royalty; a 16mm film reel about the 1938-1939 Winter Carnival; certificates of achievement; typed correspondence to her; and programs of events in which she participated or attended.

1 box.