Archival Collections
Cheney (Mary Moulton) Collection
1872-1950The material consists of personal and business-related correspondence; several pieces of artwork by Mary and others (many in the Japanese print style, including a book in that style) and other examples from The Artcraft Shop. Some newspaper articles about Cheney, and articles and notes written by her. Some biographical DAR material is included.
1 box.
Churches on the Move for Equality (C.O.M.E.) Collection
1968-1981 [1995.5.1]Materials include correspondence, newspaper clippings, Share Fair materials, newsletters and brochures about: the organization, issues of racism, hunger relief, and immigration. Collection also includes an oversized felt banner with logo.
1 box.
Claussen Family Collection
1876-1956 [2016.19.10]This collection consists of a scrapbook, newspaper clippings, calendars, journals, programs, and cards detailing the lives of the Claussen family. Frieda Claussen became the family historian and chronicled their lives in numerous notebooks, diaries, and narratives. Frieda includes her own scrapbook she made during a bout of Hepatitis in 1956. She also includes a collection of cards that were sent to her mother, Martha Willius from 1876-1930. In addition, there is focus on Frieda’s brother, Norman Claussen, who attended attended Mechanic Arts High School and Claussen served in World War one where he was in command of E battery of the Fifteenth Field artillery of the regular army. He saw service in Chateau Thierry, Belleau Wood and Soissons. Claussen was later awarded the French war cross for his bravery during his service. Upon returning home, Claussen fell ill and passed away during the Flu Pandemic of 1918-1919. Correspondence, military orders, memorial booklets, biographies, and manuals detail his experience during the war.
1 box.
Claussen, (Martha Willius) Collection
1868-1968Material includes newspaper clippings and some handwritten and typewritten correspondence and notes about historical events. A few items about St. Paul organizations and events, including Winter Carnival and Schubert Club, are included.
1 box.
Cleveland (Horace William Shaler) Collection
1872-1943Material consists of family material, including history, genealogy, and cemeteries. The majority is business-related, including speeches given by Cleveland and information published about him.
1 box.
Como Aristonian Club Collection
1919-2004 [2004.20.1]This club was formed by a group of women who had worked rolling bandages for the Red Cross during World War I. Following the war, many of the women wished to continue their association and created this groups whose motto was “acquire knowledge and with it get understanding.” The group was associated with the Minnesota Federation of Women in 1922. The group continued as a study group, which also made annual charitable donations. Material consists of club business records including minutes, member booklets, membership lists, and a scrapbook of events from the inception of the club.
1 box.
Conzett (Josiah) Collection
1865-1903 [1999.18.1]Material consists of scrapbooks (1899-1903 and1909) and a diary (1890-1913) kept by Josiah in which he discusses his Civil War service.
3 boxes
Crane and Ordway Collection
1892-2007 [2011.13.1]Material consists of several decades of catalogs representing the plumbing, dairy supplies/equipment, and steam fittings sold by the companies, as well as employee textbooks and directories, and reminiscences, including one by Richard Teller Crane. Includes some employee materials from John Sukalo.
3 boxes.
Davern/Sattler Family Collection
1825-2007 [2009.34.1]Material consists of largely of photographs of members of the Davern and Sattler families. Also included are articles on various family members, especially William Quin Davern and the Davern farmhouse. A good part of the collection is genealogical material on the Davern, Sattler, and related families. William Quin Davern was a pioneer settler on 160 acres just east of Fort Snelling. The original farm bounded by Montreal Street on the north, Morgan Street on the south, Snelling Avenue on the east, and Fairview Avenue on the west remained in the family until 1917. The farmhouse at 1173 Davern Avenue, began in 1862 and finished in 1868, was placed on the National Register of Historic Places in October 1983. There are a number of articles about the Davern property in the collection. Also of note are photographs of the Sattler pharmacy at 1189 North Snelling Avenue. Mary Gertrude Davern, the 12th child of William Quin Davern and Catherine Theresa Ryan Davern, married Charles Peter Sattler, who ran this pharmacy. In addition to Sattler family genealogy, there are genealogical files of the related Hoshette and Ihme families.
2 boxes.
District Councils Collaborative Collection
1993-2017 [2016.66.1]Material includes minutes, files, reports, newsletters, publications and finances of the District Councils Collaborative, an organization created to gather and encourage public input into the planning of the Green Line Light Rail corridor between downtown Minneapolis and St. Paul via University Avenue.
18 boxes.