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Ramsey County History – Spring 2002: “The Fire Insurance Patrol: Gone But Not Forgotten”

John S. Sonnen

The Fire Insurance Patrol: Gone But Not Forgotten Author: John S. Sonnen The Fire Insurance Patrol, a private organization incorporated in 1895, was financed by small assessments on fire insurance policies. When a fire broke out, the patrol rushed to the conflagration, usually getting there before the fire department…

Ramsey County History – Winter 2002: “Crises and Panics and Mergers and Failures: St. Paul’s Struggling Banks and How They Survived Their First 75 Years”

G. Richard Slade

Crises and Panics and Mergers and Failures: St. Paul’s Struggling Banks and How They Survived Their First 75 Years Author: G. Richard Slade This article examines some of the banking history of St. Paul with a close look at how several businesses successfully dealt with tough economic times.

Ramsey County History – Winter 2002: “Tubal Cain in New Brighton: The Harris Forge and Rolling Mill Company”

Leo J. Harris

Tubal Cain in New Brighton: The Harris Forge and Rolling Mill Company Author: Leo J. Harris Abraham and Mark Harris were immigrant brothers from Russia. They founded Harris Forge and Rolling Mill, and, by 1891, it had more than 200 workers. It was one of the earliest concerns that…

Ramsey County History – Fall 2001: “The Financial Angel Who Rescued 3M: The Life and Times of Lucius Pond Ordway”

Virginia Brainard Kunz and John M. Lindley

The Financial Angel Who Rescued 3M: The Life and Times of Lucius Pond Ordway Authors: Virginia Brainard Kunz and John M. Lindley A twenty-one-year-old man would begin a career that would bring him a fortune and a place in the upper levels of St. Paul society. Lucius Ordway was part…

Ramsey County History – Fall 1999: ““… No Time or Sympathy for One Who Wouldn’t Work:” Crawford Livingston, Colonel Chauncey Griggs, and Their Roles in St. Paul History”

John M. Lindley

“… No Time or Sympathy for One Who Wouldn’t Work:” Crawford Livingston, Colonel Chauncey Griggs, and Their Roles in St. Paul History Author: John M. Lindley This article brings together the careers of two related, but different, major figures in the history of St. Paul in the late nineteenth and…

Ramsey County History – Winter 1999: “Timber, Steel, Law, and Politics: St. Paul’s Pioneering Attorneys and Their More Interesting Cases”

Samuel H. Morgan

Timber, Steel, Law, and Politics: St. Paul’s Pioneering Attorneys and Their More Interesting Cases Author: Samuel H. Morgan This is the story of the Briggs & Morgan law firm, one of St. Paul’s oldest and biggest, inextricably tied up with the growth of the city and its major business enterprises.

Ramsey County History – Fall 1998: “Banker and Philanthropist Richard C. Lilly: The Man Who Led Two Lives”

Virginia Brainard Kunz

Banker and Philanthropist Richard C. Lilly: The Man Who Led Two Lives Author: Virginia Brainard Kunz Richard Lilly began work on a road crew at age fifteen, after his father was disabled in an accident. By age thirty-three, in 1918, he was president of St. Paul’s second-largest bank. In 1929,…

Ramsey County History – Fall 1997: “19th Century Technology and a Field Engineer’s Canadian Travels”

Robert F. Garland

19th Century Technology and a Field Engineer’s Canadian Travels Author: Robert F. Garland The author’s grandfather, Rob Garland, was a field representative for St. Paul’s Waterous Co., a maker of heavy equipment such as fire engines. His 1898 field notes form the basis for this article. Garland was then based…

Ramsey County History – Fall 1997: “‘A Beautiful, High-Minded Woman:’ Emily Gilman Noyes and Woman Suffrage”

Rhoda R. Gilman

‘A Beautiful, High-Minded Woman:’ Emily Gilman Noyes and Woman Suffrage Author: Rhoda R. Gilman Emily Gilman Noyes was born into an influential New York family, later moved to St. Paul and became part of still another, the family owning the Noyes Brothers Cutler wholesale firm. She was a crucial member…