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Ramsey County History – Fall 2003: “St. Paul Underground: The University Farm Experimental Cave and How St. Paul Became the Blue Cheese Capital of the World”

Greg A. Brick

St. Paul Underground: The University Farm Experimental Cave and How St. Paul Became the Blue Cheese Capital of the World Author: Greg A. Brick Willes Combs, a professor of Dairy Industry at the University of Minnesota, was buying mushrooms at a West Side cave and saw that the humidity…

Ramsey County History – Fall 2003: “Gibbs Museum Heritage Orchard and the Comeback of the Ancient Apple”

Ralph Thrane

Gibbs Museum Heritage Orchard and the Comeback of the Ancient Apple Author: Ralph Thrane This article deals with the history of apples, written by the resident horticulturist at the Gibbs Heritage Orchard. Ralph Thrane studied and sought out fruit that shows the diversity of the apples and that would…

Ramsey County History – Winter 2003: “Slunky Norton: The Chimney Sweep Who Rocked the Rafters with His Buglers”

Albert W. Lindeke Jr.

Slunky Norton: The Chimney Sweep Who Rocked the Rafters with His Buglers Author: Albert W. Lindeke Jr. By the late 1880s, coal had become the predominate fuel but had some problems. It could create a buildup of creosote that might break into flame, so people needed the periodical employment…

Ramsey County History – Summer 2002: “Growing Up In St Paul: Manager, Fight Promoter, Minnesota Game Warden—Johnny Salvator and His Impact on Boxing in St. Paul”

Paul R. Gold

Growing Up In St Paul: Manager, Fight Promoter, Minnesota Game Warden—Johnny Salvator and His Impact on Boxing in St. Paul Author: Paul R. Gold The young German, Johann Salwetter (b. 1891 in Serbia), came to St. Paul around 1910 and became, in time, Johnny Salvator—boxer, trainer of World War…

Ramsey County History – Spring 1999: “In the Beginning: The Geological Forces that Shaped Ramsey County and the People Who Followed”

Scott F. Anfinson

In the Beginning: The Geological Forces that Shaped Ramsey County and the People Who Followed Author: Scott F. Anfinson “Ramsey County lies in a setting that is geologically complex, both in its bedrock and its glacially produced features.” Beginning about sixty-five million years ago when the region was very close…

Ramsey County History – Spring 1999: “Ramsey County’s Heritage Trees”

Joe Quick

Ramsey County’s Heritage Trees Author: Joe Quick Adapted from the author’s Eagle Scout Community Service Project, this short essay identifies sixteen heritage trees in Ramsey County. The tree species include Eastern cottonwood, white oak, black willow, and burr oak. PDF of Trees article…


Ramsey County History – Spring 1986: “The Mississippi and St. Paul—Change Is Constant for the River and the City That Shaped It”

Paul Donald Hesterman

The Mississippi and St. Paul—Change Is Constant for the River and the City That Shaped It Author: Paul Donald Hesterman The article’s theme is how today’s Mississippi River is different from the mid-nineteenth century river “in virtually every way, from the contours of its banks to the chemical composition…

Ramsey County History – Spring 1969: “Orders, Letters, Lists of Possessions: Colonel Snelling’s Journals”

Virginia Brainard Kunz

Orders, Letters, Lists of Possessions: Colonel Snelling’s Journals Author: Virginia Brainard Kunz A recounting of life and the historical significance of Fort Snelling. The excerpts, joined by explanatory text, touch on death by disease, military discipline, relations with Native Americans, planned participation in a duel, Snelling’s transfer…

Ramsey County History – Spring 1969: “Summer Evenings, a Smudge Kettle, Tallow Candles—And Farm Life Recalled”

Lillie Gibbs LeVesconte

Summer Evenings, a Smudge Kettle, Tallow Candles—And Farm Life Recalled Author: Lillie Gibbs LeVesconte A short memoir written by the youngest daughter of Jane and Heman Gibbs about her years in the 1870s during summer evenings after all the chores were done and family members gathered in…