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Ramsey County History – Summer 1992: “The Junior League’s First 75 Years: Follies, ‘Friendly Visiting’ and Women’s Changing Roles”

Gareth O. Peterson

The Junior League’s First 75 Years: Follies, ‘Friendly Visiting’ and Women’s Changing Roles Author: Gareth O. Peterson The national Junior League began in 1901; the St. Paul chapter in 1917. Its mission was to find volunteers workers for social good. In its first few decades, it concentrated on…

Ramsey County History – Winter 1991: “Help, Housing ‘Almost Impossible to Find’: A Single Mother and World War II”

Hilda Rachey

Help, Housing ‘Almost Impossible to Find’: A Single Mother and World War II Author: Hilda Rachey The trials of a young, single, working mother of two in St. Paul during World War II. She had to scramble time and again to find housing and child care (both often inadequate), deal…

Ramsey County History – Spring 1989: “Minnesota’ First Art School: St. Agatha’s Conservatory and the Pursuit of Excellence”

Sister Ann Thomasine Sampson

Minnesota’ First Art School: St. Agatha’s Conservatory and the Pursuit of Excellence Author: Sister Ann Thomasine Sampson Five pieces by the same author tell the story of St. Agatha’s Conservatory. Cousins Mother Seraphine and Mother Celestine of the Sisters of St. Joseph of Carondelet were major figures. St. Agatha…

Ramsey County History – Spring 1988: “The American National Bank and the Bremer Brothers”

Thomas J. Kelley

The American National Bank and the Bremer Brothers Author: Thomas J. Kelley Many entered the field of banking in the 1880s, but due to the Depression of 1893, many of these institutions folded. The American National Bank was opened in 1903 by local businessmen led by Otto Bremer, owner…

Ramsey County History – Spring 1988: “The Guild of Catholic Women and Their ‘Constant Efforts To Brighten Lives’”

Virginia Brainard Kunz

The Guild of Catholic Women and Their ‘Constant Efforts To Brighten Lives’ Author: Virginia Brainard Kunz “The 20th century’s great social movements—suffrage, social service, prohibition and temperance—were reflected in the work of St. Paul’s women,” according to the author. One of the institutions formed in this period of social…

Ramsey County History – Spring 1987: “Diphtheria, Typhoid, Tuberculosis: Roots of Ramsey’s Health Care Trace Back to Anker Hospital”

Mary Alice Czerwonka

Diphtheria, Typhoid, Tuberculosis: Roots of Ramsey’s Health Care Trace Back to Anker Hospital Author: Mary Alice Czerwonka This article describes the history of Ramsey County’s public hospitals from 1873 to 1987. Dr. Arthur Ancker arrived in St. Paul in 1883, and, over the next forty years, created a much-admired…

Ramsey County History – Fall 1985: “Will the Real Dorothy Hunt Please Stand Up?”

Ramsey County Historical Society

Short statement to show correct image of Dorothy Hunt, Vice President of Blue Cross Blue Shield of Minnesota, versus the image published with the article in Volume 20, Issue 2, which was an image of Doreen Lindberg. PDF of “Will the Real Dorothy Hunt Please Stand Up?”…

Ramsey County History – Fall 1980: “Long Kate, Dutch Henriette and Mother Robinson: Three Madams in Post-Civil War St. Paul”

Joel E. Best

Long Kate, Dutch Henriette and Mother Robinson: Three Madams in Post-Civil War St. Paul Author: Joel E. Best According to the author, managing a brothel “offered a rare opportunity for a 19th century woman—a chance for a lower-class or working-class woman, beginning with little money and limited opportunities,…


Ramsey County History – Fall/Winter 1976: “Kate Donnelly and the ‘Cult of True Womanhood’”

Gretchen Kreuter

Kate Donnelly and the ‘Cult of True Womanhood’ Author: Gretchen Kreuter Ignatius Donnelly’s 1895 tribute to his late wife, In Memoriam. Mrs. Katharine Donnelly, praised her as a model of “true womanhood,” a 19th century “cult” of ideal femininity comprised of “purity, piety, domesticity, and submissiveness.” This essay explores…
