Ramsey County History – Fall 1994: “The Midway Chamber and Its Community: The Colorful History of an ‘Unparalleled Feature” of St. Paul”
Jane McClureThe Midway Chamber and Its Community: The Colorful History of an ‘Unparalleled Feature” of St. Paul Author: Jane McClure In the early twentieth century the Midway District of St. Paul became a thriving regional hub for transportation, industry, commerce, and education. This article traces the development of the Midway, its…
Ramsey County History – Summer 1992: “The Junior League’s First 75 Years: Follies, ‘Friendly Visiting’ and Women’s Changing Roles”
Gareth O. PetersonThe Junior League’s First 75 Years: Follies, ‘Friendly Visiting’ and Women’s Changing Roles Author: Gareth O. Peterson The national Junior League began in 1901; the St. Paul chapter in 1917. Its mission was to find volunteers workers for social good. In its first few decades, it concentrated on…
Ramsey County History – Winter 1991: “100 Years of Helping People: Family Service and Its Legacy of Leadership”
Tom Kelley100 Years of Helping People: Family Service and Its Legacy of Leadership Author: Tom Kelley Family Service, Inc., a social service agency, began in St. Paul in 1892 and has lasted one hundred years. Beginning as Associated Charities, an information clearinghouse for the coordination of private charity for…
Ramsey County History – Spring 1991: “A Period Of National Tragedy—The Homeless and the Jobless in the 1930s”
Virginia Brainard KunzA Period Of National Tragedy—The Homeless and the Jobless in the 1930s Author: Virginia Brainard Kunz The Great Depression in Ramsey County, seen in part through the experiences and words of A. E. Heckman. Heckman came to St. Paul in 1931 to lead the United Charities. In 1932, when the…
Ramsey County History – Fall 1990: “The Saint Paul Foundation and Its Past Fifty Years”
Virginia Brainard KunzThe Saint Paul Foundation and Its Past Fifty Years Author: Virginia Brainard Kunz The Saint Paul Foundation began in 1940 with nothing. Ten years later very little had changed. Thirty years later it was rich and helping other foundations find their way. How did this happen? This article follows the…
Ramsey County History – Spring 1989: “Boats, Boaters and Boat Clubs—Slips Cost 10 Cents a Foot”
Thomas J. KelleyBoats, Boaters and Boat Clubs—Slips Cost 10 Cents a Foot Author: Thomas J. Kelley Two short pieces in one, this article centers around Navy Island, the history of the Minnesota Yacht Club, and memories of the Minnesota Boat Club. The Yacht Club began in 1912 as the St. Paul…
Ramsey County History – Spring 1988: “The Guild of Catholic Women and Their ‘Constant Efforts To Brighten Lives’”
Virginia Brainard KunzThe Guild of Catholic Women and Their ‘Constant Efforts To Brighten Lives’ Author: Virginia Brainard Kunz “The 20th century’s great social movements—suffrage, social service, prohibition and temperance—were reflected in the work of St. Paul’s women,” according to the author. One of the institutions formed in this period of social…
Ramsey County History – Fall 1987: “Cattleman and Capitalists—And The Founding of New Brighton”
Gene F. SkibaCattleman and Capitalists—And The Founding of New Brighton Author: Gene F. Skiba The article covers the founding of the city of New Brighton and memories from early settlers. Minneapolis businessmen created the city hoping to be in the cattle business. They chose a location on Long Lake, set up…
Ramsey County History – Fall 1984: “The Minnesota Club: St. Paul’s Enterprising Leaders and Their ‘Gentlemen’s Social Club'”
Robert Orr BakerThe Minnesota Club: St, Paul’s Enterprising Leaders and Their “Gentlemen’s Social Club” Author: Robert Orr Baker The Minnesota Club was launched in St. Paul in March 1869. It had a “refreshment room” with bar, a card room, a billiard room, and a reading room. Membership was by invitation only…