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Ramsey County History – Spring 2009: “Minnesota Politics and Irish Identity: Five Sons of Erin at the State Capitol”

John W. Milton

Minnesota Politics and Irish Identity: Five Sons of Erin at the State Capitol Author: John W. Milton The author, a former state senator, researched the five men of Irish extraction who are honored in the State Capitol. The first is “The Senator: Nicholas David Coleman (1925–1981),” a St. Paulite…

Ramsey County History – Spring 2009: “A 4-H Trail Blazer: Clara Oberg and the Ramsey County 4-H”

Harlan Stoehr and Helen Hammersten

A 4-H Trail Blazer: Clara Oberg and the Ramsey County 4-H  Authors: Harlan Stoehr and Helen Hammersten When Clara Oberg, who had lost her family farm, was hired by the 4-H in March 1928, there were only sixteen clubs in Ramsey County with around 200 members, but under her…

Ramsey County History – Summer 2008: “Our Courage and Cowards: The Controversy Surrounding Macalester College’s Neutrality and Peace Association, 1917”

Emily Skidmore

Our Courage and Cowards: The Controversy Surrounding Macalester College’s Neutrality and Peace Association, 1917 Author: Emily Skidmore When eighty students sent a petition to Woodrow Wilson in support of neutrality from the World War, Macalester College found itself enmeshed in what became a national controversy. The students formed a…

Ramsey County History – Fall 2007: “The Other Librarian: Clara Baldwin and the Public Library Movement in Minnesota”

Robert F. Garland

The Other Librarian: Clara Baldwin and the Public Library Movement in Minnesota Author: Robert F. Garland Clara Baldwin (1871–1951) was the state librarian from 1900 to 1936. She lived almost all her life in St. Paul and was part of a turn-of-the-century movement to establish public libraries throughout Minnesota.

Ramsey County History – Fall 2007: “Roseville’s ‘Lost Son’ Honored”

John M. Lindley

Roseville’s “Lost Son” Honored Author: John M. Lindley A short follow-up article to a Spring 2007 essay on early Roseville resident Benjamin Rose. Rose died while serving in the Union Army during the Civil War, but his body was never returned. Until recently, it was unclear where his remains…

Ramsey County History – Spring 2007: “Lost Son: The Forgotten Fate of Roseville’s First Child, Benjamin Rose”

Patrick Hill and Cindy Rose Torfin

Lost Son: The Forgotten Fate of Roseville’s First Child, Benjamin Rose Authors: Patrick Hill and Cindy Rose Torfin This article is a portrait of Isaac Rose for whom Roseville, Minnesota, is named. He was born in New Jersey, journeyed west, married, and joined the army. He would later farm…

Ramsey County History – Winter 2007: “‘If It Can Be Manufactured from Wood, We Can Make It:’ A History of the Villaume Family and the Company They Built”

Steve Trimble

“If It Can Be Manufactured from Wood, We Can Make It:” A History of the Villaume Family and the Company They Built Author: Steve Trimble In 1847, Joseph Villaume, a Frenchman, arrived in St. Paul, and his two nephews joined him in 1873. One of them, Eugene, landed a…

Ramsey County History – Winter 2007: “‘A Great Experience:’ Villaume Builds Gliders in World War II”

John M. Lindley

“A Great Experience” Villaume Builds Gliders in World War II Author: John M. Lindley German troops used gliders in May 1940, and the Americans decided to use them too. They didn’t want to build gliders at existing airplane manufacturers and wanted to minimize the use of scarce metal. The…

Pearl and the Howling Hound Farm

Pearl Marea Schenk

Born in 1911, Pearl Marea Schenk grew up on a farm in rural Anoka County, Minnesota, and received her early education in a one-room schoolhouse similar to the one that Ramsey County Historical Society has preserved at Gibbs Farm. She became a classroom teacher in several Minnesota districts and later,…