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Ramsey County History – Winter 2009: “The Teen Years at Our Lady of Peace (OLP)”

Susanne Sebesta Heimbuch

Growing Up in St Paul: The Teen Years at Our Lady of Peace (OLP) Author: Susanne Sebesta Heimbuch This article focuses on memories of a schoolgirl starting in 1959. Heimbuch graduated from St. Mark’s Grade School and enrolled in Our Lady of Peace (OLP), a much larger high school…

Ramsey County History – Summer 2008: “Strike for Better Schools: The St. Paul Public Schools Teachers’ Strike of 1946”

Cheryl Carlson

Strike for Better Schools: The St. Paul Public Schools Teachers’ Strike of 1946 Author: Cheryl Carlson The story of the first teachers’ strike in the US carried out by 1,165 St. Paul educators. The background causes included the lack of support for public schools, partly because around a third…

Ramsey County History – Summer 2008: “Our Courage and Cowards: The Controversy Surrounding Macalester College’s Neutrality and Peace Association, 1917”

Emily Skidmore

Our Courage and Cowards: The Controversy Surrounding Macalester College’s Neutrality and Peace Association, 1917 Author: Emily Skidmore When eighty students sent a petition to Woodrow Wilson in support of neutrality from the World War, Macalester College found itself enmeshed in what became a national controversy. The students formed a…

Ramsey County History – Summer 2008: “Growing Up In Saint Paul: Love in Bloom”

John L. Relf

Growing Up In Saint Paul: Love in Bloom Author: John L. Relf This is an excerpt from the author’s book My Story,  published in 2007. John Relf was born in 1927 and first lived on Portland Avenue near Fairview. He graduated from Central High School, entered the army and later…

Ramsey County History – Spring 2008: “Growing Up In Saint Paul: When Selby and Snelling Had a Life of Its Own, 1943–1954”

Bernard P. Friel

Growing Up In Saint Paul: When Selby and Snelling Had a Life of Its Own, 1943–195 Author: Bernard P. Friel The author, who was born in 1930, lived in a three-generation home at 1237 Selby. His first real job was at Park Drug Store at Selby and Snelling, and that…

Ramsey County History – Spring 2008: “A Whirlwind of Crimes: The Crimes and Times of Wonnigkeit and Ermisch”

Janice R. Quick

A Whirlwind of Crimes: The Crimes and Times of Wonnigkeit and Ermisch Author: Janice R. Quick The story of two friends who ran around together and ran afoul of the law together. Both were of German ancestry. They were first arrested for burglary in 1892 and were sentenced to…

Ramsey County History – Winter 2008: “Tommy Milton: The Story of ‘St. Paul’s Speed King’”

Steven C. Trimble 

Tommy Milton: The Story of “St. Paul’s Speed King” Author: Steven C. Trimble  While he is rarely remembered except by sports historians, “St. Paul’s Speed King,” Tommy Milton (1893–1962) was one of the most prominent race car drivers in America during the early years of the twentieth century. He…

Rocky Roots: Geology and Stone Construction in Downtown St. Paul (second edition)

Sr. Joan Kain & Paul D. Nelson

The second edition of Rocky Roots is a guide to the use of stone in downtown St. Paul’s architecture. It can be a flexible and useful guide to several different walking tours that will enrich a pedestrian’s stroll through town. It uses text, photos, and maps as a guide to…

Ramsey County History – Fall 2007: “The Other Librarian: Clara Baldwin and the Public Library Movement in Minnesota”

Robert F. Garland

The Other Librarian: Clara Baldwin and the Public Library Movement in Minnesota Author: Robert F. Garland Clara Baldwin (1871–1951) was the state librarian from 1900 to 1936. She lived almost all her life in St. Paul and was part of a turn-of-the-century movement to establish public libraries throughout Minnesota.